Appealing blog site! Has to be your design custom or perhaps have you acquire it through someplace? A topic for instance your own with a few easy tweeks would definitely help to make my best blog be noticed. Be sure to figure out in places you got an individual’s design and style. Thank you
hhhh urg rex nyien nu pentium 6.4
haha, saya udah nemuin pentium 5, bukan edit, asli
Hahaha bisa aja loe, , ,skalian aja pentium 4.5,kan keren dikit. . .Ato pentium 0.1 wahaha
aya’2wae sampean nich… kirain beneran… g tau na… gubrax… hehe
Saya dah coba pentium 10 kemarin, he..he… sip bang
wew… ni beneran pa bohongan???
*maklum gaptek* π
> kalo beneran??? keren bro…
> kalo bohongan??? wwah anda berhasil menipu aku
xixixi… π
whahaha sya mau ganti jadi Procesornya Intel Kayuhbaimbai .. huakakaka .. π
mantabs….besok bikin pentium 8 ja dhe…
walah2….pakek tune up kayane lebih gampang….lets see more tips and craking
keren kayaknya tuh kalau pentium 1
Mana bagusan Pentium 5 atw core i7 ????
Hahahaha, aku bikin Pentium 28 M.
Mirip uangnya Gayus…
“Apa kata dunia…..”
Kirain beneran, . Nggak taunya bo’ongan , vie mantapz bro !
Ram.a masih d bwh 1gb..poor u .. xD lol
Appealing blog site! Has to be your design custom or perhaps have you acquire it through someplace? A topic for instance your own with a few easy tweeks would definitely help to make my best blog be noticed. Be sure to figure out in places you got an individual’s design and style. Thank you
hhhh urg rex nyien nu pentium 6.4
haha, saya udah nemuin pentium 5, bukan edit, asli